luckily, the christmas lunch at the old collective had much more vegetable options and much more hygge with my former roommates. in addition to the generous spread, we brought wines and a giant beer from belgium! everything was delicious: there was a pasta salad (which was more of the former than the latter), beetroot with carrots, rice and lentils, duck, lamb, liver pate, and my homemade rye bread. but the star was my fiance's homemade curried herring!

i watched him mix everything together but it tasted like it was somehow more than the sum of its parts. gotta give props to my man. (;
last was a great julefrokost with friends from my danish class. the girl from mexico brought salsa and hummus, the other girl from california brought a giant loaf of awesome bread with sunflower seeds and raisins, and the guy from argentina brought a great malbec and cheese. the english girl hosting the dinner went insane and cooked all sorts of nice things; roasted root vegetables, soup (which we sadly never got around to), chutney for the cheese, a rhubarb crumble, and more bread. i just brought bibimbap. unfortunately i didn't take any food photos... i guess i was just having such a good time with my friends that i just forgot. (:
unfortunately now that i've survived 3 julefrokosts, i am quite the tub of lard. good thing california has good jogging weather. @_@;
1 kommentar:
Survived my office's julebord last night. People here are generally not going to be as drunk as the Danish julefrokoster but there are loads of drinks as well. The food was disappointing though - check my facebook status from Friday night
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