here is another effort to clean out the fridge; kimchi chigae with tofu, cabbage, and potatoes. i added an extra heaping spoonful of gochujang and gochugaru to give myself some extra energy for the rest of the day. ^^

at the end of the week i reheated it and added a raw egg on top while the soup was still piping hot. when you mix them together, the egg cooks and you get lovely little white feathers of it throughout the soup. and of course the gooey yolk is a treat. i managed to take a quick shot before the egg cooked and the soup was still steaming. mmmm...
3 kommentarer:
that soup looks fantastic.
I love egg yolk. I could remember asking my grandma soft boiled egg (with liquid yolk in) from village chickens (tasted thousand times better than ordinary eggs)
i love it too! but it's a recent change. when i was a kid my mom went away for a few weeks and my dad cooked me his signature dish; egg rice. freshly cooked rice with a raw egg mixed in! i got so sick every time i ate it that i just started correlating vomiting and diarrhea with eggs... maybe i just outgrew a childhood allergy? or maybe just bad eggs. x:
Mmm, looks fantastic! What a wonderful way to clean out the fridge. Yum!
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