What happens when you have leftovers but from two different ethnic cuisines? In my case I had some left over carnitas from the other night, egg roll wrappers, and some cabbage ... and ohh yah bbq sauce. If I had some kimchi that would probably be a good addition to them or maybe some pickled cucumbers or radishes as a side dish. Radishes being more traditional towards mexican food, cucumbers ... well thats just because their just really good. Cilantro too, but if you don't have anything lying around keeping it simple and easy is best. Egg roll wrappers are great to have around in the refrigerator because they are so versatile. You can throw in your favorite meat, vegetable and make a yummy treat for yourself in minutes. Not only that but you can also fry the wrappers up themselves and use them for salads, burgers, sandwiches, the possibilities are endless. O man, I think I'm starting to sound like a food show host. Anyways if anyone has any other ideas post them up and if you don't have any egg roll wrappers lying around maybe you can share your ideas here and I'll cook and post them up next time ... happy cooking
Korean Steamed Vegetables with Garlic Sauce
5 uger siden
2 kommentarer:
Is eggroll just another name for springroll? Got a bit confused here
an eggroll is a spring roll that's been dipped in egg before frying. (:
btw this was posted by my friend who i met in copenhagen while he was a stagé chef at noma. hopefully he'll be a regular poster from now on. ^^
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