lørdag den 30. januar 2010

vegan sushi

though i have eaten a lot of sushi over the years, i could never call myself a sushi connoisseur. there are so many choices that i have not been offered and probably won't ever be; at least not outside of japan. and we're not just talking about fish here. most people instantly think of fish when the word "sushi" comes up, but it is really all about the rice. but it certainly proves a challenge to prepare other ingredients that are as wonderful in taste, texture, and presentation as fish. especially in denmark, which may not offer all the 'exotic' vegetables that one may find in america or asia. which is part of the reason why i wanted to do a vegan sushi night for my vegetarian friend.

it is cheaper, better for the environment, and good for you to eat vegan sushi instead of the usual. but hey, who am i kidding? fish is amazing and is the biggest reason i am not a vegetarian. yes, i am a bad person. sorry, vegans. ):

that being said, this night was a lot of fun. my vegetarian friend likes to eat sushi once in a while but it is almost always rolls. not that i have anything against rolls (i believe they have their time and place...) but i wanted her to have a choice between maki and nigiri for once. also i think the latter looks much more beautiful. i have never attempted anything like this before, even though the dane and i have cut sashimi a dozen times at home. a lot of time and consideration had to be taken in preparing this menu but i think it just may have worked out. ^^

cucumber and daikon marinated in rice vinegar, steamed leek with sesame seeds, roasted red pepper, roasted beetroot, miso-marinated fried tofu with a garlic chip, roasted mushrooms, and of course avocado. the beetroot must have been my least favourite; mainly because of its crunchiness. i don't know about you, but i like eating softer things as nigiri. the winner in my mind was the mushrooms, but that's pretty biased since i am a mushroom fiend. after roasting, they were meaty and a little chewy, but not in a once-living-flesh kind of way. i'll definitely be making those mushrooms again. (:

leftovers? well i threw the veg into a flatbread and had myself a wrap for breakfast the next morning. with a generous swipe of chili paste in there, it hit the spot. P:

3 kommentarer:

Anonym sagde ...

That looks awesome. I might come to your place and beg you with my puppy eyes so that you'd make me some of those!!! :D

DreaminginDanish sagde ...

They are all so beautiful! I think I would have felt a little bad putting the food art in my mouth..but not that bad ;)

Anonym sagde ...

This is a great post. A friend of mine did a sushi dinner last week, and she couldn't account for any of the fish she had bought. I felt terrible, eating it, certain of the unsustainable ways behind the meal, though I love the taste so. I'll remember this for next time.