onsdag den 11. februar 2009

things to do, people to see

manhattan salmon: basil, garlic, and a twist of lime.

this evening the dane decided celebratory sushi was in order. not only is he beginning to write invoices for projects coming to a close, but this morning i biked through the snow for a job interview... and was hired at danish record label tigerspring! it's unpaid work but it'll involve easy-going tasks like blogging, listening to music, and going to shows (quite possibly for free). in fact my first assignment is to familiarize myself with the label's bands so i have to listen to these indie rock cds. hard work, i know. (:

tiger roll: tempura tiger shrimp with avocado, cucumber, flying fish roe, and a mean chili mayo!

that wasn't the only good news. today we got our new camera! it's a canon ixus 980is (we're suspicious that it's being sold as the powershot sd990 in the states) and you can tell from the photos above that i obviously don't know how to use it yet. but with all my spare time i'm sure to figure it out and post lots more food porn in the very near future. (;

we had our dinner at susu, only a few minutes brisk walk from our apartment. did i mention how much i love not driving? because i am so happy about it. back to the food; i got a seaweed salad and shared a few nigiri. the meal satisfied me (especially the seaweed salad, which reminded me of my mom's delicious rendition) but the dane had a few things to say about the service. it's funny to hear that since i used to be one of those whip-cracking yelpers who is always looking for the perfect service, taste, and presentation. now i don't really care so much. our server was apologetic about his small mistakes and offered extras to compensate; i'm happy.

but i am too lazy/forgetful to go back and edit all my yelp reviews. better luck next time. :x

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